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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
  • fullslide1
    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.
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    Welcome to Nucleus Academy
    Our goal is to focus on the holistic development of each child.


Dr. Amarjyoti Choudhury

Chief Academic Advisor (Honorary)

Indian Educationist, Scientist, Former Vice-Chancellor of Gauhati University, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Tezpur University and Former Vice-Chancellor of Down Town University & USTM.

Dear Mr Talukdar

I am glad that your dream project of “Nucleus Academy” has , taken a shape, of late. I urge that the Academy now strives to pursue the following “ Asta Magas”(Eight fold ways) in right earnest :

  • Aid the mind by nurturing curiosity.
  • Build the basics through activities/experiments.
  • Crack the dividing walls of thoughts and thus achieve inter-disciplinarity.
  • Dare the syllabus by examples from day to day life and our surrounding culture.
  • Ease off with technology and tools.
  • Feel the students as regards their individuality.
  • Go for totality of perspectives.
  • And finally, Harness empathy for one and all.
  • I am sure these eight-fold ways will take “Nucleus Academy” to our desired heights of excellence.

Dr. Jayanta Biswa Sarma

Well Wisher and Advisor

MBBS (Gau), MSc (Man), FRCPath (Lon), Dip HIC (Lon), PhD (Gau), PG Dip Med Ed (Dun), MSc (Ncl)Lead Consultant MicrobiologistThe Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Wakefield, England


নতুনকৈ প্ৰতিষ্ঠিত ‘নিউক্লিয়াছ একাডেমি’য়ে ২০২১-২২বৰ্ষৰ বিৱৰণী পত্ৰ প্ৰকাশৰ প্ৰস্তূতি হাতত লৈছে বুলি জানিবলৈ পাই আনন্দিত হৈছোঁ। এক উচ্চমানৰ শিক্ষা প্ৰতিষ্ঠান হিচাপে গঢ়ি তুলি অসম - ভাৰতৰ বাবে দক্ষ-উপযুক্ত মানৱ সম্পদ সৃষ্টিত বলিষ্ঠ ভুমিকা লোৱাৰ সংকল্পৰে উদ্যোক্তা ধ্ৰুৱজ্যোতি তালুকদাৰে নলবাৰীত এই একাডেমিখন স্থাপন কৰাৰ কথা আত্ম-বিশ্বাসেৰে মোক ব্যক্ত কৰিছিল।
আধূনিক ব্যৱস্থাপনা আৰু প্ৰযুক্তিৰ উপযুক্ত ব্যৱহাৰৰ লগতে শিক্ষা প্ৰদান এক সেৱা আৰু ব্ৰতৰূপে লৈ আগবাঢ়িলে এই অভিলাষ নিশ্চয় পূৰণ হ’ব। নিউক্লিয়াছ একাডেমি শিক্ষা প্ৰতিষ্ঠান সমূহৰ মাজত এক ব্যতিক্ৰম হিচাপে প্ৰতিষ্ঠিত হ’বলৈ সক্ষম হ’ব। এক প্ৰাণৱন্ত শিক্ষানুষ্ঠান হৈ পৰিব।
এই প্ৰচেষ্টা নিশ্চয়কৈ প্ৰত্যাহ্বান পূৰ্ণ। একাডেমি খনৰ শিক্ষক-শিক্ষয়ত্ৰী আৰু ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী সকলেও এই প্ৰত্যাহ্বান গ্ৰহণ কৰিব লাগিব।
নিউক্লিয়াছ একাডেমিক যথাসাধ্য উপদেশ-পৰামৰ্শ দিবলৈ মই প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিছোঁ। ২০২১-২২ বৰ্ষত ভৰ্তি হ’বলগীয়া ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলক মই আগতীয়াকৈ শুভেচ্ছা জনাইছোঁ।

জয়ন্তু বিশ্ব শৰ্মা